2 мин

The Child’s Monitor

HE wind blows down the largest tree,

And yet the wind I cannot see!

Playmates far off, who have been kind,

My thought can bring before my mind;

The past by it is present brought,

And yet I cannot see my thought;

The charming rose scents all the air,

Yet I can see no perfume there.

Blithe Robin's notes how sweet, how clear!

From his small bill they reach my ear,

And whilst upon the air they float,

I hear, yet cannot see a note.

When I would do what is forbid,

By something in my heart I'm chid;

When good,

I think, then quick and pat,

That something says, "My child, do that:" When I too near the stream would go,

So pleased to see the waters flow, That something says, without a sound, "Take care, dear child, you may be drown'd: " And for the poor whene'er I grieve,

That something says, "A penny give." Thus something very near must be,

Although invisible to me;

Whate'er I do, it sees me still:

O then, good Spirit, guide my will.


Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor (30 January 1782 – 20 December 1866) was an English poet and literary critic. She gained long-lasting popularity in her youth as a wr…

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