2 мин

To The Romantic Traditionists

I have looked at them long,

My eyes blur; sourceless

Keeps them forever

Before our ageing sight.

You see them-too strict

Of will, the secret

Of our dissolute storms;

They grow too bright to be.

What were they like?


Can signify their charm?

They never saw the dark;

Rigid, they never knew alarm.

Do not the scene rehearse!

The perfect eyes enjoinA contemptuous verse;

We speak the crabbed line.

Immaculate race! to

Us final knowledge

In a cold frieze, a

Of war but no blood let.

Are they quite willing,

Do they ask to pose,

Naked and simple,

The very wind's nose?

They ask us how to live!

We answer:


Being the drops we sieve.

What death it is to die!

Therefore because they nod,

Being too full of us,

I look at the turned

Where it is

And yawning all the

As if we knew them

And history had no name-No need to name the spot!


Allen Tate

John Orley Allen Tate (November 19, 1899 – February 9, 1979), known professionally as Allen Tate, was an American poet, essayist, social comment…

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