2 мин

Stony Grey Soil

O stony grey soil of

The laugh from my love you thieved;

You took the gay child of my

And gave me your clod-conceived.  You clogged the feet of my

And I believed that my

Had the poise and stride of

And his voice my thick tongued mumble.

You told me the plough was immortal!

O green-life conquering plough!

The mandril stained, your coulter

In the smooth lea-field of my brow.

You sang on steaming dunghillsA song of cowards' brood,

You perfumed my clothes with weasel itch,

You fed me on swinish

You flung a ditch on my

Of beauty, love and truth.

O stony grey soil of

You burgled my bank of youth!

Lost the long hours of

All the women that love young men.

O can I still stroke the monster's

Or write with unpoisoned pen.

His name in these lonely

Or mention the dark fields

The first gay flight of my

Got caught in a peasant's prayer.



Black Shanco-Wherever I turn I

In the stony grey soil of

Dead loves that were born for me.


Patrick Kavanagh

Patrick Kavanagh (21 October 1904 – 30 November 1967) was an Irish poet and novelist. His best-known works include the novel Tarry Flynn, and th…

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