2 мин


From where I sit,

I see the stars,     And down the chilly floor  The moon between the frozen bars     Is glimmering dim and hoar.  Without in many a peakèd mound     The glinting snowdrifts lie;  There is no voice or living sound;     The embers slowly die.  Yet some wild thing is in mine ear;     I hold my breath and hark;  Out of the depth I seem to hear     A crying in the dark;  No sound of man or wife or child,    No sound of beast that groans,  Or of the wind that whistles wild,     Or of the tree that moans:  I know not what it is I hear;    I bend my head and hark:  I cannot drive it from mine ear,     That crying in the dark.

Composition date is unknown - the above date represents the first publication date.

Form: abab


Archibald Lampman

Archibald Lampman (17 November 1861 – 10 February 1899) was a Canadian poet. "He has been described as 'the Canadian Keats;' and he is perhaps t…

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