2 мин

The Beggar

Encouraged by thy

Of promise to the poor;

Behold, a beggar,


Waits at thy mercy's door!

No hand, no heart,

O Lord, but thine,

Can help or pity wants like mine.

The beggar's usual

Relief from men to gain,

If offered unto thee,

I know thou would'st disdain:

And pleas which move thy gracious ear,

Are such as men would scorn to hear.

I have no right to

That though I now am poor,

Yet once there was a

When I possessed more:

Thou know'st that from my very birth,

I've been the poorest wretch on earth.

Nor can I dare profess,

As beggars often do,

Though great is my distress,

My wants have been but few:

If thou shouldst leave my soul to starve,

It would be what I well deserve. 'Twere folly to pretendI never begged before;

Or if thou now befriend,

I'll trouble thee no more:

Thou often hast relieved my pain,

And often I must come again.

Though crumbs are much too

For such a dog as I;

No less than children's

My soul can satisfy:

O do not frown and bid me go,

I must have all thou canst bestow.

Olney Hymn


John Newton

John Newton (4 August [O.S. 24 July] 1725 – 21 December 1807) was an English Anglican clergyman and abolitionist, also having been Captain of sl…

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