2 min read

Scenes In London II - Oxford Street

FE in its many shapes was there,

The busy and the gay;

Faces that seemed too young and

To ever know decay.

Wealth, with its waste, its pomp, and pride,

Led forth its glittering train;

And poverty's pale face

Asked aid, and asked in vain.

The shops were filled from many lands,

Toys, silks, and gems, and flowers;

The patient work of many hands,

The hope of many hours.

Yet, mid life's myriad shapes

There was a sigh of death;

There rose a melancholy sound,

The bugle's wailing breath.

They played a mournful Scottish air,

That on its native

Had caught the notes the night-winds

From weeping leaf and rill.'Twas strange to hear that sad wild

Its warning music shed,

Rising above life's busy train,

In memory of the dead.

There came a slow and silent

In sad procession by:

Reversed the musket in each hand,

And downcast every eye.

They bore the soldier to his grave;

The sympathyzing

Divided like a parted

By some dark vessel ploughed.

A moment, and all sounds were mute,

For awe was over all;

You heard the soldier's measured foot,

The bugle's wailing call.

The gloves were laid upon the bier,

The helmet and the sword,

The drooping war-horse followed near,

As he, too, mourned his lord.

Slowly—I followed too—they

To where a church arose,

And flung a shadow o'er the dead,

Deep as their own repose.

Green trees were there—beneath the

Of one, was made a grave;

And there to his last rest was

The weary and the brave.

They fired a volley o'er the

Of an unconscious ear;

The birds sprang fluttering overhead,

Struck with a sudden fear.

All left the ground, the bugles

Away upon the wind;

Only the tree's green branches sighedO'er him they left behind.

Again, all filled with light and breath,

I passed the crowded street—Oh, great extremes of life and death,

How strangely do ye meet!

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Letitia Elizabeth Landon

Letitia Elizabeth Landon (14 August 1802 – 15 October 1838) was an English poet and novelist, better known by her initials L.E.L.

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