2 min read

The Origin of Cupid -- A Fable


DA'S mount the gods were met,

A sportive, jolly, noisy set,

Resolving nectar bowls to quaff,

To revel, riot, sing and laugh;

For gods will frolic now and then,

And err like earth-born sons of men.

From early dawn till setting day The jocund hours had roll'd away,

When midst the group Apollo rose This serious question to propose,

Who should succeed upon the throne­ When Jupiter their king was gone?

RS first his best excuses made,

War his delight and ancient trade;


NE vow'd at such an age,

In state affairs he'd not engage:

US preferr'd a draught of nectar To any monarch's crown and sceptre.

At length fatigu'd with idle prating,

With contradiction and debating;

It was propos'd, and straight agreed,

A new-form'd monarch should succeed,

And each, to make the plan expedient,

Should of offer some

NE ingredient.

RS offer'd courage­train'd to arms;

US her soft bewitching charms:

ES strength; proud

NO grace;

US his laughing, dimpled face;

LO and the



Gave polish'd manners, wit divine!  At length the infant was completed,

And on a throne of ether seated;

His beauty aw'd the gazing crowd;

Before his feet each veteran bow'd;

Each hop'd his gentle smiles to prove,

And hail'd the little monarch

VE.  When lo, to check the mirthful hour,


ME appear'd, with aspect sour;

His hoary locks like silver thread Upon his stooping shoulders spread; "Vain are your wishes" cried the sage; "In useless toil you now engage,

Think ye, with all this vain parade,

To form a god without MY aid?

In all debates am I alone,

For age, and wise experience known;

Presumptuous wretches, you shall prove,


ME has pow'r TO



No settled bliss the Boy shall taste,

My pinions to his shoulders

Shall bear him to the world below;

Each change of fortune there to know;

While in each state the wretch shall beA




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Mary Darby Robinson

Mary Robinson (née Darby; 27 November 1757 – 26 December 1800) was an English actress, poet, dramatist, novelist, and celebrity figure. She live…

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