2 min read


This day (the year I dare not tell)  Apollo play'd the midwife's part;

Into the world Corinna fell,  And he endued her with his art.

But Cupid with a Satyr comes;  Both softly to the cradle creep;

Both stroke her hands, and rub her gums,  While the poor child lay fast asleep.

Then Cupid thus: "This little maid  Of love shall always speak and write;""And I pronounce," the Satyr said,  "The world shall feel her scratch and bite."Her talent she display'd betimes;  For in a few revolving moons,

She seem'd to laugh and squall in rhymes,  And all her gestures were lampoons.

At six years old, the subtle jade  Stole to the pantry-door, and

The butler with my lady's maid:  And you may swear the tale went round.

She made a song, how little miss  Was kiss'd and slobber'd by a lad:

And how, when master went to p—,  Miss came, and peep'd at all he had.

At twelve, a wit and a coquette;  Marries for love, half whore, half wife;

Cuckolds, elopes, and runs in debt;  Turns authoress, and is Curll's for life.

Her common-place book all gallant is,  Of scandal now a cornucopia;

She pours it out in Atalantis  Or memoirs of the New Utopia.

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Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 – 19 October 1745) was an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for …

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Если это можно назвать сталкингом, то я пережила вот такой момент, Слава Богу без жести..
Кстати да... это уже жесть, как она есть.😮🆘 (обращаю сразу внимание что я никого не сужу, и никому не желаю ничего плохого, и бомб на головы врагов тоже(слова Ткачёва о бомбах на головы врагов), а лишь наблюдаю за происходящим. Упаси Господь всех людей от бомб, ибо это ад)
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