2 min read

I'm go'ng out alone on to the high road...

I'm go'ng out alone on to the high road,

Pavement stones are gleaming from afar.

The night wild is listening to the Sky Lord

And a star is talking to a star.

It's so grand and marvelous in heaven,

Sleeping is the earth in the blue shine.

What is it – the burden that I have on?

What is it – dear to the soul of mine?

Nothing is from life to me required,

And I ache for nothing in my past.

I just look for freedom, peace and quiet

To doze off and fall asleep at last.

Not for good to die I would desire

I would fall asleep in other way –

So that breath'n my chest could not expire,

And the chest could heave not known decay.

All day long, caressing my live hearing,

Some sweet voice could sing of love for me,

Over me, so evergreen and cheering,

Some dark oak could bow low in the lea.

(16 июля 2018)

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Павел Манжос

Окончил Воронежский госуниверситет в 1981 году, Работал в промышленной прессе и общественно-политических изданиях, на телевидении; имею ряд нагр…

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