2 min read


The waves of ocean surround me, They marvelously dance around me. Profound dreams still call, They’ve never been too far from fall. They call so tenderly my weird name, They get inside and break my chains. Profound ease descend on me, I stay on knees and pray for peace. As I’d been caged and chained before, But I don’t feel imprisoned any more. Profound silence screams: ‘No more!’ In my profound sleep I gaze upon the sky, I dream of clear beauty and whisper: ‘Fly!’ This kind of miracle is dancing With clouds over my bare head. The wings of swans caressing skin, And I no longer feel so mean.

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Дмитрий Жуков

Я, Жуков Дмитрий Николаевич, родился в г.Харькове 3 июня 1987 года. Проживаю в Харьковской обл., пгт Песочин, пер. Санаторный, 6. В 2005 году по…

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