2 мин

Space, Musk, Boozes

Wind of space run star red bull,

Frozen with their early fave,

Boozes knows, Musk wasn’t a full,

Nothing money Russian gave

Rocky sheep, sky law commits, 

Understand Uranus battle:

Boozes, rich man, isn’t it?

Was a tourist Russian shuttle

Actors, not space men star dreams,

Flied a tour, a grove agree

Boozes, old man. memory him,

Cave you wind. Is wind for free?

Pencil drawing flag could spoke

With three cooler Earth ball stay.

Boozes, memory, senate joke,

You’ll return a ticket pay.

We are space sun rolling wheel,

Kick star shuttles a memory pore

You are part of us until

Al your money thus, love more

We, re not beasts, give preference,

Be alive, return goon mood.

You’ll give us not only pence,

Add a few, you understood.

You’ll agree, be good or worst,

Space couple free, but we are first,

Glass sky base, be cool star light,

Money waste, leaps pearls covered night.

Star track lips, laws memory bool,

Green trees tips, us powerful,

Shuttle fields, down fruit round line,

Memory, chills, Buran define

Definition star protect,

Ask, whom first, remember facts.

We’re gust poets, plots plane draw,

Be, imaging future law.


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