1 min read

Tears In Sleep

All night the cocks crew, under a moon like day,

And I, in the cage of sleep, on a stranger's breast,

Shed tears, like a task not to be put away—-In the false light, false grief in my happy bed,

A labor of tears, set against joy's undoing.

I would not wake at your word,

I had tears to say.

I clung to the bars of the dream and they were said,

And pain's derisive hand had given me

From the night giving off flames, and the dark renewing.

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Louise Bogan

Louise Bogan (August 11, 1897 – February 4, 1970) was an American poet. She was appointed the fourth Poet Laureate to the Library of Congress in…

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Не должно быть сейчас никакой смертной казни. Я сама уже больше 10 лет переживаю травлю с угрозами разными расправами, и смертной казнью в том числе, только мне не пишут, а говорят на словах. (пост прерывается рекламой читайте до конца).
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