2 мин


LY I heard a voice—surely my name Was breathed in tones familiar to my heart!

I listened—and the low wind stealing came,

In darkness and in silence to depart.

Surely I saw a form, a proud bright form,

Standing beside my couch!

I raised mine eyes: 'Twas but a dim cloud, herald of a storm,

That floated through the grey and twilight skies.

Surely the brightness of the summer hour Hath suddenly burst upon the circling gloom!

I dream; 'twas but the perfume of a flower,

Which the breeze wafted through the silent room.

Surely a hand clasped mine with greetings fond!

A name is murmured by my lips with pain;

Woe for that sound—woe for love's broken bond.

I start—I wake—I am alone again!


Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton

Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton, Lady Stirling-Maxwell (née Sheridan; 22 March 1808 – 15 June 1877) was an English social reformer and author ac…

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