1 мин

Quiet Lord My Froward Heart


Lord, my froward heart,

Make me teachable and mild;

Upright, simple, free from art,

Make me as a weaned child;

From distrust and envy free,

Pleased with all that pleaseth Thee.

What Thou shalt to-day provide,

Let me as a child receive;

What to-morrow may betide,

Calmly to thy wisdom leave:'Tis enough that Thou wilt care;

Why should I the burden bear?

As a little child

On a care beyond his own;

Knows he's neither strong no wise;

Fears to stir a step alone;

Let me thus with Thee abide,

As my Father,

Guard, and Guide.


John Newton

John Newton (4 August [O.S. 24 July] 1725 – 21 December 1807) was an English Anglican clergyman and abolitionist, also having been Captain of sl…

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