2 min read

The Fourth Of August

Now in thy splendour go before us.

Spirit of England, ardent-eyed,

Enkindle this dear earth that bore

In the hour of peril purified.

The cares we hugged drop out of vision,

Our hearts with deeper thought dilate,

We step from days of sour

Into the grandeur of our fate.

For us the glorious dead have striven,

They battled that we might be free.

We to their living cause are given;

We arm for men that are to be.

Among the nations nobliest chartered,

England recalls her heritage.

In her is that which is not bartered,

Which force can neither quell nor cage.17 For her immortal stars are burning18 With her the hope that's never done,19 The seed that's in the Spring's returning,20 The very flower that seeks the sun.

She fights the force that feeds desire

Dreams of a prey to seize and kill,

The barren creed of blood and iron,

Vampire of Europe's wasted will…Endure,

O Earth! and thou, awaken,

Purged by this dreadful winnowing—fan,

O wronged, untameable,

Soul of divinely suffering man.

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Robert Laurence Binyon

Robert Laurence Binyon, CH (10 August 1869 – 10 March 1943) was an English poet, dramatist and art scholar. Born in Lancaster, England, his pare…

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