1 мин

My young son asks me

My young son asks me:

Must I learn mathematics?

What is the use,

I feel like saying.

That two

Of bread are more than one's about all you'll end up with.

My young son asks me:

Must I learn French?

What is the use,

I feel like saying.

This State's collapsing.

And if you just rub your belly with your hand

Groan, you'll be understood with little trouble.

My young son asks me:

Must I learn history?

What is the use,

I feel like saying.

Learn to

Your head in the earth, and maybe you'll still survive.

Yes, learn mathematics,

I tell him.

Learn your French, learn your history!


Bertolt Brecht

Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht (10 February 1898 – 14 August 1956), known professionally as Bertolt Brecht (German: [ˈbɛʁˌt̩ɔlt bʁɛçt] (About t…

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