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Sonnet V Hearts Hope

By what word's power, the key of paths untrod,

Shall I the difficult deeps of Love explore,

Till parted waves of Song yield up the

Even as that sea which Israel crossed dryshod?

For lo! in some poor rhythmic period,


I fain would tell how

Thy soul I know not from thy body,

Thee from myself, neither our love from God.

Yea, in God's name, and Love's, and thine, would

Draw from one loving heart such

As to all hearts all things shall signify;

Tender as dawn's first hill-fire, and

As instantaneous penetrating sense,

In Spring's birth-hour, of other Springs gone by.

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti (12 May 1828 – 9 April 1882), generally known as Dante Gabriel Rossetti (/rəˈzɛti/),[1] was an English poet, illu…

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