1 мин

What Kind Of Mistress He Would Have

Be the mistress of my choice,

Clean in manners, clear in voice;

Be she witty, more than wise,

Pure enough, though not precise;

Be she showing in her dress,

Like a civil wilderness,

That the curious may

Order in a sweet neglect;

Be she rolling in her eye,

Tempting all the passers by;

And each ringlet of her hair,

An enchantment, or a snare,

For to catch the lookers on;

But herself held fast by none.

Let her Lucrece all day be,

Thais in the night, to me.

Be she such, as neither

Famish me, nor overfill.

Assignment of the day: please look up who Thais is.


Robert Herrick

Robert Herrick (baptised 24 August 1591–buried 15 October 1674) was a 17th-century English lyric poet and cleric. He is best known for Hesperide…

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