2 min read


I wonder if I know

In whose speech is my voice,

In whose movement is my being,

Whose skill is in my lines,

Whose melody is in my

In joy and sorrow.

I thought he was chained within me,

Contained by tears and laughter,

Work and play.

I thought he was my very

Coming to an end with my death.

Why then in a flood of joy do I feel

In the sight and touch of my beloved?

This 'I' beyond self I

On the shores of the shining sea.

Therefore I

This 'I' is not imprisoned within my bounds.

Losing myself,

I find

Beyond the borders of time and space.

Through the AgesI come to know his Shining

In the life of the seeker,

In the voice of the poet.

From the dark clouds pour the rains.

I sit and think:

Bearing so many forms, so many names,

I come down, crossing the

Of countless births and deaths.

The Supreme undivided, complete in himself,

Embracing past and present,

Dwells in Man.

Within Him I shall find myself -The 'I' that reaches everywhere.

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Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore (born Robindronath Thakur, 7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941), sobriquets Gurudev, was a Bengali polymath- poet, writer, composer, …

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