2 мин


Thus saith the Lord to Ephesus,

And thus he speaks to some of us;

Amidst my churches, lo,

I stand,

And hold the pastors in my hand.

Thy works, to me, are fully known,

Thy patience, and thy toil,

I own;

Thy views of gospel truth are clear,

Nor canst thou other doctrine bear.

Yet I must blame while I approve,

Where is thy first, thy fervent love?

Dost thou forget my love to thee,

That thine is grown so faint to me?

Recall to mind the happy

When thou wast filled with joy and praise;

Repent, thy former works renew,

Then I'll restore thy comforts too.

Return at once, when I reprove,

Lest I thy candlestick remove;

And thou, too late, thy loss lament;

I warn before I strike,


Hearken to what the Spirit saith,

To him that overcomes by faith;

The fruit of life's unfading tree,

In paradise his food shall be.

Olney Hymn


John Newton

John Newton (4 August [O.S. 24 July] 1725 – 21 December 1807) was an English Anglican clergyman and abolitionist, also having been Captain of sl…

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