2 мин

I Can’t Touch The Sun

No I can't touch the clouds for you I've never reached the sun for youI've never done the things that you need done for youI've stretched as high as I can reach I guess I'm not the one for

Cause I can't touch the clouds or reach the sun for

No I can't reach the clouds or touch the

No I can't turn back time for you and make you sweet sixteen againI can't turn your barren fields to green

And I can't sit around and talk of how might have been

No I can't turn back time and make you young againI can't turn back time and make you youngI can't look inside your mind and see the things you're hopin' forI can't help you chase the dream you're gropin' forI know your heart is open wide but I don't know who it's open

Cause I can't know your mind or chase your dreams for

Mhm I can't chase your dreams or know your

So say goodbye and don't look back I've had some happy days with youI'm sorry but I can't be the one who stays with

And if they ask about me you can say I was the one with

Who never touched the clouds or reached the sun with youI can't touch the clouds or reach the sun for youI can't touch the clouds or reach the sun


Shel Silverstein

Sheldon Allan Silverstein (September 25, 1930 – May 10, 1999) was an American writer known for his cartoons, songs, and children's books. He sty…

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