2 min read

You Andrew Marvell

And here face down beneath the

And here upon earth's noonward

To feel the always coming

The always rising of the night:

To feel creep up the curving

The earthy chill of dusk and

Upon those under lands the

And ever climbing shadow

And strange at Ecbatan the

Take leaf by leaf the evening

The flooding dark about their

The mountains over Persia change And now at Kermanshah the

Dark empty and the withered

And through the twilight now the

Few travelers in the westward

And Baghdad darken and the

Across the silent river

And through Arabia the

Of evening widen and steal

And deepen on Palmyra's

The wheel rut in the ruined

And Lebanon fade out and Cretehigh through the clouds and

And over Sicily the

Still flashing with the landward

And loom and slowly

The sails above the shadowy

And Spain go under and the

Of Africa the gilded

And evening vanish and no

The low pale light across that

Nor now the long light on the sea:

And here face downward in the

To feel how swift how

The shadow of the night comes on…

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Archibald MacLeish

Archibald MacLeish (May 7, 1892 – April 20, 1982) was an American poet and writer who was associated with the modernist school of poetry. MacLei…

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