Dedication To M
Swing of the heart
O firmly hung, fastened on whatinvisible branch
Who, who gave you the push,that you swung with me into the leaves
How near I was to the exquisite fruits
Swing of the heart
O firmly hung, fastened on whatinvisible branch
Who, who gave you the push,that you swung with me into the leaves
How near I was to the exquisite fruits
And so, to you, who always were Perseus,
Lancelot To me,
I give these weedy rhymes In memory of earlier times
ST as any soldier of the
He served his England, with the imminent
Poised at his heart
Nor could the world
I have great faith in all things not yet spoken
I want my deepest pious feelings freed
What no one yet has dared to risk and warrantwill be for me a challenge I must meet
If this presumptuous seems,
You whom I could not
Listen to me
Try to understand this simple speech as I would be ashamed of another
I swear, there is in me no wizardry of words
These to His Memory—since he held them dear,
Perchance as finding there
Some image of himself—I dedicate,
I dedicate,
AY not the Poet dies
Though in the dust he lies, He cannot forfeit his melodious breath, Unsphered by envious death
Life drops the voiceless myriads from its roll; Their fate he cannot share, Who, in the enchanted air Sweet with the ling...
Bob Southey
You're a poet—Poet-laureate, And representative of all the race; Although 'tis true that you turn'd out a Tory at Last—yours has lately been a common case; And now, my Epic Renegade
what are ye at
With all the Lakers, in...
This plot of ground facing the waters of this inlet is dedicated to the living presence of Emily Dickinson Wellcome who was born in England; married; lost her husband and with her five year old son sailed for New York in a two-master; was driven t...
By Wood and Wold[A Preamble]"Beneath the greenwood bough
" — W
Inscribed to a Dear Child:
In Memory of Golden Summer
And Whispers of a Summer
Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task,
CE more, my harp
once more, although I thought Never to wake thy silent strings again,
A wandering dream thy gentle chords have wrought,
And my sad heart, which long hath dwelt in pain,