2 min read

By The Pool Of The Third Rosses

I heard the sighing of the reed In the grey pool in the green land,

The sea-wind in the long reeds sighing Between the green hill and the sand.

I heard the sighing of the reeds Day after day, night after night;

I heard the whirring wild ducks flying,

I saw the sea-gull's wheeling flight.

I heard the sighing of the reeds Night after night, day after day,

And I forgot old age, and dying,

And youth that loves, and love's decay.

I heard the sighing of the reeds At noontide and at evening,

And some old dream I had forgotten I seemed to be remembering.

I hear the sighing of the reeds:

Is it in vain, is it in vain That some old peace I had forgotten Is crying to come back again?

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Arthur Symons

Arthur William Symons (28 February 1865 – 22 January 1945), was a British poet, critic and magazine editor.

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