1 min read

On the Approach of Autumn

Farewell gay Summer! now the changing

That Autumn brings commands thee to retreat;

It fades the roses which thy temples bind,

And the green sandals which adorn thy feet.

Now flies with thee the walk at eventide,

That favouring hour to rapt enthusiasts dear;

When most they love to seek the mountain side,

And mark the pomp of twilight hastening near.

Then fairy forms around the poet throng,

On every cloud a glowing charm he sees….

Sweet Evening, these delights to thee belong:….

But now, alas! comes Autumn's chilling breeze,

And early Night, attendant on its sway,

Bears in her envious veil sweet Fancy's hour away.

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Amelia Opie

Amelia Opie, née Alderson (12 November 1769 – 2 December 1853), was an English author who published numerous novels in the Romantic period up to…

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