1 мин

Silent Camp

In heaven, a pale uncertain star,

Through sullen vapour peeps,

On earth, extended wide and far,

In all the symmetry of war,

A weary army sleeps.

The heavy-hearted pall of night Obliterates the lines,

Save where a dying camp-fire's light Leaps up and flares, a moment bright,

Then once again declines.

Black, solemn peace is brooding low,

Peace, still unbroken, when There comes a sound, an ebb and flow- The steady breathing, deep and slow,

Of half-a-million men.

The pregnant dawn is drawing nigh,

The dawn of power or pain ;

But now, beneath the mournful sky,

In sleep's maternal arms they lie Like children once again.


Jessie Pope

Jessie Pope (18 March 1868 – 14 December 1941) was a British poet, writer and journalist, who remains best known for her patriotic, motivational…

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