1 мин

In Praise Of Henna


LA called from a henna-spray:

Lira! liree!

Lira! liree!

Hasten, maidens, hasten away To gather the leaves of the henna-tree.

Send your pitchers afloat on the tide,

Gather the leaves ere the dawn be old,

Grind them in mortars of amber and gold,

The fresh green leaves of the henna-tree.

A kokila called from a henna-spray:

Lira! liree!

Lira! liree!

Hasten maidens, hasten away To gather the leaves of the henna-tree.

The tilka's red for the brow of a bride,

And betel-nut's red for lips that are sweet;

But, for lily-like fingers and feet,

The red, the red of the henna-tree.


Sarojini Naidu

Sarojini Chattopadhyay Naidu (13 February 1879 – 2 March 1949) was an Indian political activist and poet. A proponent of civil rights, women's e…

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