2 мин


Oh, why are you shining so bright, big Sun,

And why is the garden so gay?

Do you know that my days of delight are done,

Do you know I am going away?

If you covered your face with a cloud,

I 'd

You were sorry for me in my pain,

And the heads of the flowers all bowed would

To be weeping with me in the rain.

But why is your head so low, sweet heart,

And why are your eyes overcast?

Are they clouded because you know we must part,

Do you think this embrace is our last?

Then kiss me again, and again, and again,

Look up as you bid me good-bye!

For your face is too dear for the stain of a tear,

And your smile is the sun in my sky.


Henry Van Dyke

Henry Jackson van Dyke Jr. (November 10, 1852 – April 10, 1933) was an American author, educator, diplomat, and clergyman.

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