2 мин

Let The Ministers Weep


Let the ministers weep,

For the world is perplexed and chaotic;

Stomachs beaten to stupor,

Tears drained to rivers, and rivers to seas,

Oceans turning against the sinking ship.

Weep! Oh! Ministers Weep

For your dearest soul's revival

Is in a conundrum of hope and fear;

Where dragons, pythons, and cankerworms feed,

And the hunter's instruments of honour in denial.

Let the ministers weep

For the church is in trouble;

Hit the waters and box the rocks for the sake of the sheep,

Let the firmament doff to your esoteric bubble

For the banner of victory is tighten on your shoulders.

Oh! My beloved, weep!

Bones are eating bones

Eyes are becoming enemies with nose,

The tongue against the teeth

In an odious pernicious battle of supremacy.

Weep! Weep! Oh! Heaven's Mouthpiece

Let your cries be thunderously heard

Against the oddities ravaging man's glorious home,

Scurrilously sending our damsels six feet below;

Only a unison of rocket Amen can lift this peril.


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