2 min read

Near But Far Away

She wavered, stopped and turned, methought her eyes,

The deep grey windows of her heart, were wet,

Methought they softened with a new regret To note in mine unspoken miseries,

And as a prayer from out my heart did rise And struggled on my lips in shame's strong net,

She stayed me, and cried "Brother!" our lips met,

Her deawr hands drew me into Paradise.

Sweet seemed that kiss till thence her feet were gone,

Sweet seemed the word she spake, while it might be As wordless music—But truth fell on me,

And kiss and word I knew, and, left alone,

Face to face seemed I to a wall of stone,

While at my back there beat a boundless sea.

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William Morris

William Morris (24 March 1834 – 3 October 1896) was a British textile designer, poet, novelist, translator, and socialist activist associated wi…

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