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Girl At Her Devotions By Newton

HE was just risen from her bended knee,

But yet peace seem'd not with her piety;

For there was paleness upon her young cheek,

And thoughts upon the lips which never speak,

But wring the heart that at the last they break.

Alas! how much of misery may be

In that wan forehead, and that bow'd down head:--Her eye is on a picture, woe that

Love should thus struggle with a vain

Against itself: it is a common tale,

And ever will be while earth soils

Over earth's happiness; it tells she

With silent, secret, unrequited love.

It matters not its history; love has

Like lightining , swift and fatal, and it

Like a wild flower where it is least expected,

Existing whether cherish'd or rejected;

Living with only but to be content,

Hopeless, for love is its own element,--Requiring nothing so that it may

The martyr of its fond fidelity.

A mystery art thou, thou mighty one!

We speak thy name in beauty, yet we

To own thee,

Love, a guest; the poet's

Are sweetest when their voice to thee belongs,

And hope, sweet opiate, tenderness, delight,

Are terms which are thy own peculiar right;

Yet all deny their master,--who will

His breast thy footstool, and his heart thy throne?'Tis strange to think if we could fling

The masque and mantle that love wears from pride,

How much would be, we now so little guess,

Deep in each heart's undream'd, unsought recess.

The careless smile, like a gay banner borne,

The laugh of merriment, the lip of scorn,--And for a cloak what is there that can

So difficult to pierce as gaiety?

Too dazzling to be scann'd, the haughty

Seems to hide something it would not avow;

But rainbow words, light laugh, and thoughtless jest,

These are the bars, the curtain to the breast,

That shuns a scrutiny: and she, whose

Now bends in grief beneath the bosom's storm,

Has hidden well her wound,--now none are

To mock with curious or with careless eye,(For love seeks sympathy, a chilling yes,

Strikes at the root of its best happiness,

And mockery is worm-wood), she may

On feelings which that picture may not tell.

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Letitia Elizabeth Landon

Letitia Elizabeth Landon (14 August 1802 – 15 October 1838) was an English poet and novelist, better known by her initials L.E.L.

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