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The Sound Of Trees

I wonder about the trees.

Why do we wish to

Forever the noise of

More than another

So close to our dwelling place?

We suffer them by the

Till we lose all measure of pace,

And fixity in our joys,

And acquire a listening air.

They are that that talks of

But never gets away;

And that talks no less for knowing,

As it grows wiser and older,

That now it means to stay.

My feet tug at the

And my head sways to my

Sometimes when I watch trees sway,

From the window or the door.

I shall set forth for somewhere,

I shall make the reckless

Some day when they are in

And tossing so as to

The white clouds over them on.

I shall have less to say,

But I shall be gone.


Robert Frost

Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) was an American poet. His work was initially published in England before it was published i…

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