Gertrude Stein1 min readСлушатьNegligible Old StarLE old star.Pour even.It was a sad per cent.Does on sun day.Watch or water.So soon a moon or a old heavy press.negligibleoldстарPoetry Gertrude Stein — negligiblePoetry Gertrude Stein — oldPoetry Gertrude Stein — стар0025Give AwardGertrude SteinGertrude Stein (February 3, 1874 – July 27, 1946) was an American novelist, poet, playwright, and art collector.Other author postsThe House Was Just Twinkling In The Moon LightTh hus was just twinkling in th mn light, An insi it twinkling with light, Is my baby bright Twinkling with light in th hus twinkling with th mnlight,…A Light in the MoonA HT in th mn th nly light is n Sunay What was th snsibl isin Th snsibl isin was that ntwithstaning many laratins an mr musi, nt vn withstaning th hi an a trh an a lltin, ntwithstan...…CézanneTh Irish lay an say, that t-ay is vry ay Casar an say thatvry ay is t-ay an thy say that vry ay is as thy say In this way w hav a pla t stay an h was nt mt baush was sttl t stay Whn I sai stt...…Stanzas In Meditation Stanza III think vry wll f Susan but I nt knw hr nam I think vry wll f Elln but whih is nt th sam I think vry wll f Paul I tll him nt t s I think vry wll f Franis Charls but I s I think vry wll f Thmas but I n...…CommentsYou need to be signed in to write comments
The House Was Just Twinkling In The Moon LightTh hus was just twinkling in th mn light, An insi it twinkling with light, Is my baby bright Twinkling with light in th hus twinkling with th mnlight,…
A Light in the MoonA HT in th mn th nly light is n Sunay What was th snsibl isin Th snsibl isin was that ntwithstaning many laratins an mr musi, nt vn withstaning th hi an a trh an a lltin, ntwithstan...…
CézanneTh Irish lay an say, that t-ay is vry ay Casar an say thatvry ay is t-ay an thy say that vry ay is as thy say In this way w hav a pla t stay an h was nt mt baush was sttl t stay Whn I sai stt...…
Stanzas In Meditation Stanza III think vry wll f Susan but I nt knw hr nam I think vry wll f Elln but whih is nt th sam I think vry wll f Paul I tll him nt t s I think vry wll f Franis Charls but I s I think vry wll f Thmas but I n...…
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