2 min read

Hymn 18

Incomparable food; or,

The flesh and blood of Christ.

Jesus! we bow before thy feet;

Thy table is divinely stored;

Thy sacred flesh our souls have eat,'Tis living bread; we thank thee,


And here we drink our Savior's blood;

We thank thee,

Lord, 'tis gen'rous

Mingled with love; the fountain

From that dear bleeding heart of thine.

On earth is no such sweetness found,

For the Lamb's flesh is heav'nly food;

In vain we search the globe

For bread so fine, or wine so good.

Carnal provisions can at

But cheer the heart, or warm the head;

But the rich cordial that we

Gives life eternal to the dead.

Joy to the Master of the feast;

His name our souls for ever bless;

To God the King, and God the Priest,

A loud hosannah round the place.

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Isaac Watts

Isaac Watts (17 July 1674 – 25 November 1748) was an English Christian minister (Congregational), hymn writer, theologian, and logician. He was …

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