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Touched By An Angel

We, unaccustomed to courageexiles from delightlive coiled in shells of lonelinessuntil love leaves its high holy templeand comes into our sightto liberate us into life.

Love arrivesand in its train come ecstasiesold memories of pleasureancient histories of pain.

Yet if we are bold,love strikes away the chains of fearfrom our souls.

We are weaned from our

In the flush of love's lightwe dare be

And suddenly we seethat love costs all we areand will ever be.

Yet it is only lovewhich sets us free.


Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou (April 4, 1928 – May 28, 2014) was an American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, thr…

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