1 мин


The murmurs ebb; onto the stage I enter.

I am trying, standing in the door,

To discover in the distant

What the coming years may hold in store.

The nocturnal darkness with a

Binoculars is focused onto me.

Take away this cup,

O Abba Father,

Everything is possible to Thee.

I am fond of this Thy stubborn project,

And to play my part I am content.

But another drama is in progress,

And, this once,

O let me be exempt.

But the plan of action is determined,

And the end irrevocably sealed.

I am alone; all round me drowns in falsehood:

Life is not a walk across a field.


Пастернак Борис

Произведения Бориса Пастернака. (29 января [10 февраля] 1890 — 30 мая 1960) — русский поэт, писатель и переводчик. Один из крупнейших русских по…

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