2 мин


A dainty thing's the Villanelle.

Sly, musical, a jewel in rhyme,

It serves its purpose passing well.

A doublc-clappered silver

That must be made to clink in chime,

A dainty thing's the Villanelle;

And if you wish to flute a spell,

Or ask a meeting 'neath the lime,

It serves its purpose passing well.

You must not ask of it the swell Of organs grandiose and sublime-A dainty thing's the Villanelle;

And, filled with sweetness, as a

Is filled with sound, and launched in time,

It serves its purpose passing well.

Still fair to see and good to

As in the quaintness of its prime,

A dainty thing's the Villanelle,

It serves its purpose passing well.

A villanelle is a French verse form with 5 tercets and quatrain.

The second line in each stanza rhymes.


William Ernest Henley

William Ernest Henley (23 August 1849 – 11 July 1903) was an English poet, writer, critic and editor in late Victorian England. Though he wrote …

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