2 min read


Tomorrow will have an island.

Before nightI always find it.

Then on to the next island.

These places hidden in the day separateand come forward if you beckon.

But you have to know they are there before they exist.

Some time there will be a tomorrow without any island.

So far,

I haven't let that happen, but afterI'm gone others may become faithless and careless.

Before them will tumble the wide unbroken sea,and without any hope they will stare at the horizon.

So to you,


I confide my secret:to be a discoverer you hold close whateveryou find, and after a while you decidewhat it is.

Then, secure in where you have been,you turn to the open sea and let go.

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William Stafford

William Edgar Stafford (January 17, 1914 – August 28, 1993) was an American poet and pacifist. He was the father of poet and essayist Kim Staffo…

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