1 min read

Walking West

Anyone with quiet pace who walks a gray road in the West may hear a badger underground where in deep flint another time is Caught by flint and held forever, the quiet pace of God stopped still.

Anyone who listens walks on time that dogs him single file,

To mountains that are far from people, the face of the land gone gray like flint.

Badgers dig their little lives there, quiet-paced the land lies gaunt,

The railroad dies by a yellow depot, town falls away toward a muddy creek.

Badger-gray the sod goes under a river of wind, a hawk on a stick.

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William Stafford

William Edgar Stafford (January 17, 1914 – August 28, 1993) was an American poet and pacifist. He was the father of poet and essayist Kim Staffo…

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Это уже очень подло и нечестно.. к сожалению, видимо, Россия не станет той страной, о которой я здесь так много писала..свободной и безопасной для всех людей.. а жаль.. 😞
Инстаграм нервно курит в сторонке.. о теневом бане от якобы ИИ на ютубе..
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