2 мин

The Gardener XXIX Speak To Me My Love

Speak to me, my love!

Tell me inwords what you sang.    The night is dark.

The stars arelost in clouds.

The wind is sighingthrough the leaves.    I will let loose my hair.

My bluecloak will cling round me like night.

I will clasp your head to my bosom; andthere in the sweet loneliness murmuron your heart.

I will shut my eyesand listen.

I will not look in your face.    When your words are ended, we willsit still and silent.

Only the trees willwhisper in the dark.    The night will pale.

The day willdawn.

We shall look at each other's eyes and go on our different paths.    Speak to me, my love!

Tell me inwords what you sang.


Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore (born Robindronath Thakur, 7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941), sobriquets Gurudev, was a Bengali polymath- poet, writer, composer, …

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