2 мин

The K A Boys

Dr-rud dr-rud dr-rud

Kitchener's Army on the march Through Marylebone and Marble Arch,

Men in motley, so to speak,

Been in training about a week,

Swinging easy, toe and heel,

Game and gay, and keen as steel.

Dr-rud dr-rud dr-rud

Norfolk jackets, city suits,

Some in shoes and some in boots;

Clerk and sportsman, tough and nut,

Reach-me-downs and Bond-Street cut;

Typical kit of every kind,

To show the life they've left behind.

Dr-rud dr-rud dr-rud

Marching by at an easy pace,

The great adventure in every face.

Raw if you like, but full of grit,

Snatching the chance to do their bit.


I want to cheer and I want to cry When Kitchener's Boys go marching by.'K A' refers to Kitchener's Army


Jessie Pope

Jessie Pope (18 March 1868 – 14 December 1941) was a British poet, writer and journalist, who remains best known for her patriotic, motivational…

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