2 min read

The Rushes

The rushes nod by the

As the winds on the loud waves go,

And the things they nod of are many,

For it's many the secret they know.

And I think they are wise as the

Who lived ere the hills were high,

They nod so grave by the

To everyone passing by.

If they would tell me their secrets[:

I would go by a hidden way,

To the rath when the moon

Dips dim horns into the gray.

And a fairy-girl out of

In a long dance I should meet,

My heart to her heart beating,

My feet in rhyme with her feet.

This poem taken from "Last Songs" by Francis Ledwidge,

Published by Herbert Jenkins,

London 1918 [page Poem Dated: France,

January 6th, 1917.

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Leinster == An Irish county

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Francis Ledwidge

Francis Edward Ledwidge (19 August 1887 – 31 July 1917) was an Irish war poet and soldier from County Meath.[1] Sometimes known as the "poet of …

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