1 min read

Riparto DAssalto

Drummed their boots on the camion floor,

Hob-nailed boots on the camion floor.

Sergeants stiff,

Corporals sore.

Lieutenant thought of a Mestre whore —Warm and soft and sleepy whore,

Cozy, warm and lovely whore;

Damned cold, bitter, rotten ride,

Winding road up the Grappa side.

Arditi on benches stiff and cold,

Pride of their country stiff and cold,

Bristly faces, dirty hides —Infantry marches,

Arditi rides.

Grey, cold, bitter, sullen ride —To splintered pines on the Grappa

At Asalone, where the truck-load died.

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Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American journalist, novelist, short-story writer, and sportsman. His economical a…

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Президент Эрдоган явно не ангел и не всадник апокалипсиса..))  (о вновь "пересыхающем" Евфрате и об очередном апокалипсисе))
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