2 min read


DIMASH - musician, singer, magic

for my non-Russian friends

Your voice is like the echo of faraway spheres,

From the other side of heaven... beyond the usual measure...

It makes life stand still for a moment,

To hold back the astounded heart's cry,

Like blood it flows through the cell edges,

Nourishing the fabric of all realities,

It awakens... captivates... drives you crazy..

It makes you fly... to nowhere.

Into the depths of all human feelings

Tones come from magical lips,

And someone will cry and someone will forgive

And someone will light up the world like love.

This velvet softness or that sharpness of the bow

Or golden brocade that covers my hearing,

I close my eyes and I hear you –

Invisible waves, the sea of sounds,

The call of free sublime sentiments –

Create this reality, hold this tone!

I hear the magic pulse – pounding...

God is – a melody... a voice... a sound...


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Софи Леклерк

Номинант на премии РСП "Наследие", "Поэт года", "Лирика", "Дебют", 2021-25 гг.

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