1 мин

God Has Pity On Kindergarten Children

God has pity on kindergarten children,

He pities school children — less.

But adults he pities not at all.

He abandons them,

And sometimes they have to crawl on all

In the scorching

To reach the dressing station,

Streaming with blood.


He will have pity on those who love

And take care of

And shade

Like a tree over the sleeper on the public bench.

Perhaps even we will spend on

Our last pennies of

Inherited from mother,

So that their own happiness will protect

Now and on other days.


Yehuda Amichai

Yehuda Amichai (3 May 1924 – 22 September 2000) was an Israeli poet. Amichai is considered, both in Israel and internationally, as Israel's grea…

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