1 min read

Phylliss Age

How old may Phyllis be, you ask,

Whose beauty thus all hearts engages?

To answer is no easy task;

For she has really two ages.

Stiff in brocard, and pinch'd in stays,

Her patches, paint, and jewels on;

All day let envy view her face;

And Phyllis is but twenty-one.

Paint, patches, jewels laid aside,

At night astronomers agree,

The evening has the day belied;

And Phyllis is some forty-three.

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Matthew Prior

Matthew Prior (21 July 1664 – 18 September 1721) was an English poet and diplomat.[1][2] He is also known as a contributor to The Examiner.

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общение о Боге вместо конфликта  с наркозависимыми..
Не должно быть сейчас никакой смертной казни. Я сама уже больше 10 лет переживаю травлю с угрозами разными расправами, и смертной казнью в том числе, только мне не пишут, а говорят на словах. (пост прерывается рекламой читайте до конца).
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