2 min read

Sonnet VI Is It to Love

Is it to love, to fix the tender gaze,

To hide the timid blush, and steal away;

To shun the busy world, and waste the

In some rude mountain's solitary maze?

Is it to chant one name in ceaseless lays,

To hear no words that other tongues can say,

To watch the pale moon's melancholy ray,

To chide in fondness, and in folly praise?

Is it to pour th' involuntary sigh,

To dream of bliss, and wake new pangs to prove;

To talk, in fancy, with the speaking eye,

Then start with jealousy, and wildly rove;

Is it to loathe the light, and wish to die?

For these I feel,—and feel that they are Love.

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Mary Darby Robinson

Mary Robinson (née Darby; 27 November 1757 – 26 December 1800) was an English actress, poet, dramatist, novelist, and celebrity figure. She live…

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