2 min read

Psalm LXXXVII 87

Among the holy Mountains

Is his foundation fast,

There Seated in his Sanctuary,

His Temple there is plac't.

Sions fair Gates the Lord loves

Then all the dwellings

Of Jacobs Land, though there be store,

And all within his care.

City of God, most glorious

Of thee abroad are spoke;                                        I mention Egypt, where proud

Did our forefathers yoke,

I mention Babel to my friends,

Philistia full of scorn,

And Tyre with Ethiops utmost ends,

Lo this man there was born:

But twise that praise shall in our

Be said of Sion

This and this man was born in her,

High God shall fix her fast.                                    The Lord shall write it in a

That ne're shall be

When he the Nations doth

That this man there was born.

Both they who sing, and they who

With sacred Songs are there,

In thee fresh brooks, and soft streams

And all my fountains clear.

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John Milton

John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674) was an English poet and intellectual who served as a civil servant for the Commonwealth of Engla…

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