1 min read

Slumber Songs

Sleep, little

That brim with childish tears amid thy play,

Be comforted!  No grief of night can

Against the joys that throng thy coming day.

Sleep, little heart!

There is no place in Slumberland for tears:

Life soon enough will bring its chilling

And sorrows that will dim the after years.

Sleep, little heart!

Ah, little

Dead blossoms of a springtime long ago,

That life's storm crushed and left to lie

The benediction of the falling snow!

Sleep, little

That ceased so long ago its frantic beat!

The years that come and go with silent

Have naught to tell save this — that rest is sweet.

Dear little heart.

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John McCrae

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (November 30, 1872 – January 28, 1918) was a Canadian poet, physician, author, artist and soldier during Worl…

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