5 мин

Requirements for ISO Certification in Philippines

Did you know that there are already millions of organizations that have generated tons of revenue just by getting suitable ISO certification for their organization? In today’s blog I will try to clear all your doubts regarding ISO certification in Philippines and how you can benefit largely from it.

For those of you, who don’t have any idea about ISO; let me first explain you about ISO. ISO is (International Organization for Standardization) which is responsible for setting standards for almost everything, right from technology, food safety, and occupational health safety to information safety etc.

It was established in the year 1947, fast forward to today it has members from across 167 countries (2018 ISO data). It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and they meet annually at the General Assembly to discuss their future actions.

So, with this short brief let’s get started and allow me to make you explore the various possibilities of ISO certifications. Let’s get going.

Major Implementable Standards of ISO in Philippines

There are five major standards that are widely used in Philippines and for that matter in the entire globe.

· ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) which is the process quality standard that certifies that the process quality of organization is complied with international standards.

· ISO 27001(Information Security Management System) which helps to make the information assets of the organization secured and protected.

· ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) which aims to provide safe working conditions for employees.

· ISO 22000(Food Safety Management System) sets regulations for proper management of food safety from farm to table.

· ISO 14001(Environmental Management System) helps organization to run their operations without causing any damage to the environment.

Pre – Requisites for ISO Certification in Philippines

Pre – Requisites of getting ISO certification for your organization are:

· Selecting the type of ISO Certification

The most essential part is choosing the type of certification you want, based on the nature of your operation.

· Choosing the best ISO certification body

It is one of the most important step to select the best ISO certification providers as ISO by itself doesn’t provides certificates, this is done through third party; so it is best to research thoroughly before choosing a third party, which I will explain later down below.

Process of getting ISO certified

ISO Certification process can be divided into the following several steps:

· Getting into a mutual contract

The first step after finding a certification body is, to go for a mutual contract between you and the third party lending body which defines obligations, confidentiality and many more.

· Gap Analysis

The next step which is perhaps the most crucial step is to review companies document related to quality, work safety etc. depending on the nature of operation of the company and identification of gaps in the current process.

· Documentation and Making Actionable Plans

The next step is to create a document of all the shortcomings the company has and make an actionable plan to rectify the issues.

· ISO Audit

In this step we can do it in two phases, where in the first phase all the non-conformities are checked and matched whether they fit the ISO standards criteria, after addressing the issue, in the next step it is checked whether all short comings have been removed and does it fits the ISO guidelines.

· Audit Reports and Certification

In this stage the final audit report is submitted to the registrar, who in turns grant you the certificate and BINGO you have got your certificate.

· Annual Monitoring and Surveillance

A regular audit and surveillance is made by the authorities to keep in check that the ISO standards are being followed rigorously and if not, they have the right to cancel the certification.

Bottom Line

I have tried to provide a 360 degree view of the entire ISO certification process that will help you have a holistic view of your organization. If you want to get your organization ISO certified then, as discussed above you have to research well and choose a good certification consulting body who knows in and out of the ISO process.

I will help you find one such organization; Finecert is one such leading organization that has multiple overseas operations and has over a decade of experience and expertise in providing ISO certification to organizations.

There wide experience helps businesses to cater in a hassle free manner and in a very cost effective price that is affordable to even small and medium enterprise and even to startups too.

If you are looking to get ISO certified I must recommend you to give them a try. You can request for a quote at contact@finecert.com or visit their website www.finecert.com and check out various ISO services they provide.


Finecert Solutions

Finecert is a leading ISO service provider with highly trained consultants that have expertise in getting your organization ISO certified.
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